What is lipotherapy and what is it used for?

What is lipotherapy and what is it used for?

Lipotherapy It is a non-invasive aesthetic treatment which aims to access and eliminate localized fat in different body areas. This treatment was discovered in the early eighties in Italy. However, it has been improved over the years, so that It is an option to reduce localized fat without surgery.

Lipotherapy has the support of clinical studies and monitoring its effects both in Europe and in the United States. It is a technique for clinical use and specialized doctors. Since with misuse, it can lead to unexpected risks for the patient.

What is lipotherapy?

Lipotherapy is a technique that uses microinjections with substances that loosen and dissolve fat gradually.

The professional of the clinic will be the one that establishes the exact area in which the treatment will be carried out. Further, will determine if lipotherapy is right for you.

This technique employs active microinjections that loosen and dissolve fat gradually. The idea is to reduce it to smaller and less complex substances. In this way, they can be dissolved through the natural mechanisms of the organism, and gradually, they will be eliminated by the lymphatic system.

The goal of lipotherapy is not to lose weight, but to act directly on fat clusters that could not be eliminated in any other way. Once the injections are applied, you should practice exercise and eat a balanced diet to facilitate the dissolution and elimination of fat.

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How many lipotherapy sessions do you need?

The number of sessions, depends on each patient, however, an average can be established between 3 and 5 sessions. In addition, we must take into account the areas to be treated and the amount of fat accumulated in them.What is lipotherapy and what is it used for?

Factors such as the area to be treated and the amount of fat accumulated together with the patient’s metabolic profile They will determine the time it takes to see the aesthetic results.

If it involves large areas of the body, such as the abdomen, several sessions are required. But nevertheless, smaller areas such as the double chin, the results are seen after two months of a single session.

Side effects

Side effects are minimal with respect to liposuction, but they exist, and the following are included:

  • Bruise and bruises: a skin reaction occurs when the injections are applied. Depending on the sensitivity of each patient, the bruises will be more or less large.
  • Pain: Logically the punctures of the injections can cause pain. However, it is a punctual pain that will be less intense in the following sessions.

In the case of women, Experts recommend not doing the treatment just before or after the period. This is because it can create a greater sense of discomfort.

Lipotherapy it is considered a safe aesthetic procedure. The products that are used contain a combination of enzymes, vitamins and very low doses of medicines.

Allergic reactions to medications are possible as in any treatment. For this reason, Patients should inform the specialist if they have any known allergies to other medications or if they have metabolic disorders.

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What part of the body can be treated with lipotherapy?

Lipotherapy is frequently used in areas such as the hips, thighs and legs, since they favor the elimination of localized fat.

This aesthetic treatment It can be used to eliminate accumulated fat from the following body areas:

  • Thighs and hips.
  • Upper and lower abdomen.
  • Arm and forearm.
  • Back.
  • Double chin and neck.
  • Knee and leg.

With lipotherapy treatment You can also help treat the following conditions:

  • Pseudoginecomastia: that it is about the increase of the mammary glands by accumulation of fat in obese men.
  • Cellulitis: The use of this technique for the treatment of cellulite can be more annoying. It can reduce the discomfort by applying anesthetic cream prior to injections.
  • Retraction of skin.
  • Deformities of the appearance of the skin after a liposuction.

In some cases, lipotherapy is also used by plastic surgeons to mobilize fat during liposuction.

When can I return to normal activity?

Depending on the body area treated, patients usually return to normal activity immediately after the treatment session.

However, patient with facials will have swelling so it is likely that they should be at home 3 or 4 days. The normal time for pain and swelling is one week. Although in some cases the inflammation may last longer.

Lipotherapy: fat-burning injections

Intralipotherapy removes fat that is localized forever, in a single puncture and without surgery

It is the only non-surgical treatment that removes localized fat cells definitively and naturally.

Modern aesthetic medicine is a specialized and corrective science with increasingly complex and articulated technical protocols. So much so that the same medical class is facing the need for continuous and specific technical training that allows it to provide patients with the best existing body treatments effectively and safely. The rapid evolution that Aesthetic Medicine is undergoing in recent years in terms of technical protocols brings it closer and closer to the results of cosmetic surgery. It is nothing more than the response to the demand of patients of less invasive practices, without anesthesia, scalpel, or operating room.

Now he has taken a step further in the definitive elimination of localized adiposities without having to go through operating theatre: Intralipotherapy is the only non-surgical solution that forever destroys localized fat cells.

What is treatment?

Lipolytic treatment is the name of the product that is injected with microcranulas directly into the fatty tissue. A single puncture per zone is enough to distribute the product evenly. It is a microgelatinose solution based on a controlled release system with extremely small amounts of chemically modified detergents. The solution is aqueous, biocompatible and reabsorbable, which forever destroys adipose tissue cells in a controlled manner, liquefiing them so that they are naturally removed through the lymphatic system. It is an outpatient treatment that does not need anesthesia, the patient immediately rejoins his normal life.

Lipolytic treatment is very well tolerated. After the burning punctures, some bruising may appear in the treated area, which disappear within a few days and represent a normal reaction of adipose tissue to the adipocytic action of the procedure.

What is the treatment for?

Intralipotherapy is indicated to combat localized adiposity that does not lose weight, and when eliminated, it does not reappear. If fat access is related to inheritance and hormones, it is located on flanks, hips, inner thighs and knee. If it is due to eating habits, it is located in abdomen, arms, chest fold and jowl. Fat-burning injections are not indicated in cases of obesity or overweight, as no weight is lost, only fat and centimeters.

According to experts, clinical tests associated the application of external ultrasound at medium frequency and high intensity with Intralipotherapy with lipolytic treatment, as it has been shown that the combination of the two treatments highly improves the effectiveness of the results, often comparable to those of liposuction.

How many sessions of fat burning injections are recommended?

Three sessions with a three-week interval are recommended at our intralipotherapy It is very important to put yourself in the hands of very well-trained specialists. The Intralipotherapy protocol is part of medicine practices defined as advanced, in which the action of the doctor is fundamental, so it can only be performed by specifically trained doctors, with good knowledge of the physiology of subcutaneous adipose tissue and clinical aspects related to body imperfections.

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